
This feature helps employees to organize and form groups across their functional requisites. These groups can be formed across silos and hierarchies of the organisation or can dynamically organise team members of a department around a task.


Managers and leaders can use this feature to communicate and reach out to the right group of employees. This can be used to discuss and track the progress of high-priority functions and tasks. Members can regularly communicate and highlight matters of interest and concerns with their communities.


All of the communications and discussions that occur inside a group or a community is indexed and is searchable across time range. The conversations are turned into a body of knowledge that provides pretext of past decisions or solutions. The history also provides descriptive insights - from how a problem was solved in the past to what the current status of a task is.


An interactive workgroup with past and present knowledge at its disposal can achieve their goals together, faster. The groups help in getting each of the team members on the same page on achieving deadlines and targets. Communities enable team members to highlight and clarify priorities and bottlenecks to find quick help in solving problems.